cooling off on the highline

cooling off on the highline by Lily M-C
cooling off on the highline, a photo by Lily M-C on Flickr.

Just made it back to Cleveland after a great weekend in NYC visiting John…

I actually didn’t take that many photos–which truthfully didn’t surprise me that much. We had too much to do and too much to say for much time with the camera!

But I did manage to catch a few shots around the city, especially up on the Highline, which was pretty cool. It really did not feel like you were a few stories up in the air–which, as someone with a slight fear of heights, I appreciated!

As always lately, I also found myself trying desperately to find something new to photograph, a point of view that might be different from the crowds of people around me with phones and cameras pointed out towards the city.

I’m so glad I was able to get something out of this shot, shallow-depth-of-fieldy (like my new word?) as it is! I’m sure more will follow as I look through the rest.

For now, a nap!

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